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徐卿 2021年硕士毕业,现供职于国家电网



Qing Xu

Member of TIME Lab

School of Software Engineering

Shandong University


Address: School  of Computer Science and Technology, Software Park Campus, Shandong  University, Shunhua Road, Jinan, Shandong Province, P.R. China

E-mail: 962128243@qq.com


2018.09 - 2021.06        M.Sc candidate in Software Engineering. School of Software Engineering, Shandong University. Supervisor: Prof.Yilong Yin .

2014.09 - 2018.06         B. E. in School of SoftwareShandong University, Shandong University.

Research Interests

medical image processing


Qing Xu, Xiaoming Xi*, Xianjing Meng, Zheyun Qin, Xiushan Nie,Yongjian Wu, Dongsheng Zhou, Yi Qu, Chenglong Li & Yilong Yin*, Difficulty-aware Bi-network with Spatial Attention Constrained Graph for Axillary Lymph Node Segmentation.SCIENCE CHINA Information Sciences.Accepted