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Sumaira Hussain 2022年博士毕业,现供职于山东建筑大学


Sumaira Hussain

Ph.D. Student of Machine Learning and Applications

School of Software Engineering, Shandong University




Sumaira Hussain is a Ph.D. student at Shandong University, PRC. She previously worked as a Lecturer at the Sindh Madressatul Islam University, Pakistan. She obtained her Master's degree in Computer Science at the Virtual University of Pakistan in 2014. In September 2017, she started her Ph.D. under the supervision of Prof. Yilong Yin (supervisor) and Dr. Xiaoming Xi (co-supervisor).

Her main research interests are machine learning, pattern recognition, image segmentation, and computer vision. She is currently working on the application of machine learning to medical images to infer tumors in ultrasound images.


· Machine Learning

· Pattern Recognition

· Computer Vision

· Image Segmentation